Your needs
Find out more about our activities and the services we offer throughout Vietnam. Present in all sectors of activity, we provide regulatory and non-regulatory inspection services, certifications, consulting and technical support services and non-destructive testing. Do not hesitate to contact us for all your risk management needs!
Consulting and Technical Support
Today, businesses have to meet certain performance and safety criteria, but also address new environmental and technological challenges as well as those linked to work organisation: transition to low-carbon models, industry 4.0, remote working, flex-offices. Ensuring performance through the management of human, technical, environmental and economic risks can take many forms. Consulting and technical support aims to help ensure the success of your projects by developing your performance all while managing your risks. Apave’s consulting and technical support teams contribute to the success of its clients’ projects by acting on three core factors: human, organisational and technical. This approach provides for a targeted or comprehensive response, built jointly with the client. -
Checking the reliability of facilities and the compliance of industrial sites, infrastructure, buildings, plant and procedures, is at times a regulatory obligation and is always a measure to ensure the safety of people, property and the environment. Inspection can have numerous objectives, from ensuring that your equipment and facilities comply with regulations, to ensuring the health and safety of your employees, customers and users, and ensuring the uninterrupted continuity of your activity. Our experts act across a number of technical fields, in a variety of different industries, to meet your inspection requirements, on regulatory or non-regulatory assignments, intervening in all situations: during activity, and after incidents or accidents. -
Training is a fundamental pillar with regard to ensuring the health and safety of people, property and facilities. Whether you are trying to meet your legal obligations in terms of safety in your industry, or develop your teams’ skills and competencies in order to avoid risks on a day-to-day, training can provide the necessary information to fulfill various of your health and safety needs. Regardless of the type of training you require, our teams are on hand to develop training programmes that are best suited to your needs and those of your teams.
The Apave Group has been a leader in health and safety training for over 150 years, and its local teams guarantee that long-standing experience and expertise here in Vietnam.